One World, One Promise

Famous Scouts

David Beckham - midfielder of the England football squad[10]
Tony Blair - Ex-Prime Minister of the United Kingdom[10]
John Major - Former Prime Minister
Paul McCartney - singer/songwriter/bassist of the Beatles and Wings
George Michael - Singer/Songwriter
Dougie Payne - bassist for Travis
Keith Richards - Guitar player for The Rolling Stones
Bobby Robson - Former England Football Manager

Neil Armstrong - Astronaut - Apollo 11, among others
Richard Gere - Actor (USA)
Charles Bassett; Life Scout, astronaut
Alan L. Bean; First Class Scout, US astronaut Apollo 12 and Skylab 3
Michael J. Bloomfield; First Class Scout, US astronaut STS-86, STS-97, and STS-110
Vance D. Brand; Life Scout,Apollo-Soyuz Test Project; STS-5; STS 41-B; and STS-35 astronaut
Roy D. Bridges Jr.; Life Scout,STS-51-F astronaut
David M. Brown; Life Scout,STS-107 astronaut
Ted Bundy; serial killer
George W. Bush; Cub Scout, 43rd U.S. President[2][18]
Charles J. Camarda; First Class Scout, US astronaut
John H. Casper; Life Scout, STS-36; STS-54; STS-62; and STS-77 astronaut
Dick Cheney; Scout,[18]
Bill Clinton; Cub Scout, 42nd U. S. President
L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.; Life Scout, Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 astronaut
Henry Fonda; Scout and Scoutmaster, Academy Award winning actor
Harrison Ford; Life Scout, actor who played Indiana Jones. His fictional character was also a Life Scout as a boy.
Guy S. Gardner; Life Scout, STS-27 and STS-35 astronaut
Bill Gates; Life Scout, founder of Microsoft and richest man in the world as of date..[19]
Edward Givens astronaut
Richard Douglas Husband; Scout, Colonel U.S. Air Force, astronaut, STS-107 Space Shuttle Columbia Commander
LL Cool J rap singer and entertainer
Dan Jansen; Scout, Olympian, 1994 (Lillihammer) Gold Medal-Speed Skating
Bruce Jenner; Scout, Olympian, 1976 (Montreal) Gold Medalist - Decathlon
Michael Jordan; Cub Scout; NBA Hall of Fame member, 2 time Olympian and Gold Medalist, Minor League Baseball player
John F. Kennedy; Star Scout, 35th United States President
Tommy Lasorda; member of National Baseball Hall of Fame, manager of two LA Dodgers World Series champion teams[23]
Richard M. Linnehan; First Class Scout, US astronaut STS-78, STS-90, and STS-109
G. David Low; Life Scout,STS-32; STS-43; and STS-57 astronaut
Branford Marsalis; Life Scout, Musician
Thomas K. Mattingly II Life Scout, Apollo 16; STS-4; and STS-51-C astronaut
William S. McArthur, Jr. Life Scout, STS-58; STS-74; and STS-92 astronaut
Edgar D. Mitchell; Life Scout, Apollo 14 astronaut
George D. Nelson; First Class Scout, US astronaut. STS 41-C, STS 61-C, and STS-26
William Oefelein; First Class Scout, US astronaut
Merlin Olsen; Scout, Professional NFL football player and sportscaster
Alan G. Poindexter; astronaut
Ronald Reagan; Adult Leader, Silver Beaver Award; 40th U.S. President and actor
David R. Scott; Life Scout, Gemini 8; Apollo 9; and Apollo 15 astronaut
Alan K. Simpson; Scout, U.S. Senator from Wyoming (Jan-Feb 2002 issue of Scouting Magazine)
Mark Spitz; Scout, Olympian, 1972 (Munich) Gold Medalist - Swimming
Sherwood C. Spring; Life Scout,STS 61-B astronaut
Robert C. Springer; Life Scout, STS-29 and STS-38 astronaut
Teller - Cub Scout[24]
Clifton Williams; Life Scout, astronaut
Jim Morrison; Cub Scout, Musician (His uniform is on display at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH)

30.08.2007. u 00:40 | 5 Komentara | Print | # | ^

Scout Handshake

Our Scout salute and handshake are ancient signs of bravery and respect. During the colonial period of our country, many men carried weapons for protection.

Sometimes when they met one another, there was an uneasy moment as each man watched the others right hand. If it went to his sword or his gun, there might be a fight. but if it went to his hat, it was a salute of friendship and respect.

The left handshake comes to us from the Ashanti warriors whom Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, knew almost 100 years ago in West Africa. He saluted them with his right hand, but the Ashanti chiefs offered their left hands and said, "In our land only the bravest of the brave shake hands with the left hand, because to do so we must drop our shields and our protection."

The Ashantis knew of Baden-Powell's bravery because they had fought against him and with him, and they were proud to offer the left hand of bravery.
When you use the Scout salute and handshake, remember that they are signs of respect and courage.

The left hand is also closer to the heart...

29.08.2007. u 19:10 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

Scout Law

A Scout is...

A Scout tells the truth. He is honest, and he keeps his promises. People can depend on him.

A Scout is true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and nation.

A Scout cares about other people. He willingly volunteers to help others without expecting payment or reward.

A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He offers his friendship to people of all races and nations, and respects them even if their beliefs and customs are different from his own.

A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.

A Scout knows there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. Without good reason, he does not harm or kill any living thing.

A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them.

A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.

A Scout works to pay his own way and to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.

A Scout can face danger although he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him.

A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He chooses the company of those who live by high standards. He helps keep his home and community clean.

A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.

29.08.2007. u 19:08 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

Scout Oath

On my honor
I will do my best
To do my duty to God
and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake,
and morally straight.

On my honor . . .
By giving your word, you are promising to be guided by the ideals of the Scout Oath.


. . . I will do my best . . .
Try hard to live up to the points of the Scout Oath. Measure your achievements against your own high standards and don't be influenced by peer pressure or what other people do.


. . . To do my duty to God . . .
Your family and religious leaders teach you about God and the ways you can serve. You do your duty to God by following the wisdom of those teachings every day and by respecting and defending the rights of others to practice their own beliefs.


. . . and my country . . .


. . . and to obey the Scout Law; . . .
The twelve points of the Scout Law are guidelines that can lead you toward wise choices. When you obey the Scout Law, other people will respect you for the way you live, and you will respect yourself.


. . . To help other people at all times; . . .
There are many people who need you. Your cheerful smile and helping hand will ease the burden of many who need assistance. By helping out whenever possible, you are doing your part to make this a better world.


. . . To keep myself physically strong, . . .
Take care of your body so that it will serve you well for an entire lifetime. That means eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly to build strength and endurance. it also means avoiding harmful drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and anything else that can harm your health.


. . . mentally awake, . . .
Develop your mind both in the classroom and outside of school. Be curious about everything around you, and work hard to make the most of your abilities. With an inquiring attitude and the willingness to ask questions, you can learn much about the exciting world around you and your role in it.


. . . and morally straight.
To be a person of strong character, your relationships with others should be honest and open. You should respect and defend the rights of all people. Be clean in your speech and actions, and remain faithful in your religious beliefs. The values you practice as a Scout will help you shape a life of virtue and self-reliance.

29.08.2007. u 19:03 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

Important Scouters

Famous Eagle Scouts

Bill Alexander - US Rep from Arkansas
Gary L. Anderson - US Rep from NY
Neil Armstrong - astronaut, first man on moon, from Wapakoneta, OH
Charles E. Bennett - US Rep from Florida
William Bennett - former Secretary of Education
Bill Bradley - Pro basketball star and US Senator from NJ
James Brady - press sec to Pres. Reagan
Milton A. Caniff - comic strip artist "Steve Canyon"
John W. Creighton, Jr. - President & CEO of Weyerhaeuser Company
William E. Dannemeyer - US Rep from Cal.
William Devries - MD, transplanted first artificial heart
Michael Dukakis - former governor of Massachusetts
Arthur Eldred - America's First Eagle Scout
Gerald Ford - U.S. President (1st Eagle to be pres.)
James Lovell - Navy pilot and astronaut, Flew on Gemini 7, 12 & Apollo 8, 13
Richard Lugar - Senator from Indiana (presidential candidate 1996)
J. Willard Marriott, Jr. - Pres. Marriott Corp.
Sam Nunn - US Senator from Georgia
Ellison Onizuka - Astronaut for Hawaii aboard the space shuttle Challenger
H. Ross Perot - self-made billionaire and presidential candidate
J. J. Pickle - US Rep from Texas, proudly displays his Eagle plaque inside his office
Samuel R. Pierce - former Sec. Housing & Urban Development
Harrison Salisbury - Pulitzer Prize winning author
William Sessions - former FBI director
Steven Spielberg - Movie producer
Wallace Stegner - Won a Pulitzer Prize in 1972 for "Angle of Repose"
Percy Sutton - Attorney, Chairman of the Board of City Broadcasting Corp.
John Tesh - TV celebrity and pianist

Famous Scouts, but not Eagles

Henry Aaron - baseball player, home run king
Walter Cronkite, Journalist, TV commentator
Richard Dean Anderson - taught Reptile Study, actor
Charles F. Barber - CEO of American Smelting & refining
Bill Clinton - Cub Scout, President of US
Harrison Ford - Life, taught Reptile Study, actor "Indiana Jones"
Bill Gates - Life, founder of Microsoft Corp.
David Hartman - TV personality
Cub Scout, Bruce Jenner, Olympic Gold Medal Decathlon
John F Kennedy - first US President who was a Scout
Branford Marsalis - Life Scout, Jazz musician
Merlin Olson - Pro football player and sportscaster
Eddie Rabbitt - Country & Western singer
John Ritter - actor, son of singer Tex Ritter
Richard Roundtree - actor
Nolan Ryan - pro baseball pitcher
Alberto Salazar - Life, 3 time winner NY marathon
Mark Spitz, Cub Scout, Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer
James Stewart - actor, USAF B. General, B-17 pilot in WWII
Joe Theisman - Life, former QB, Washington Redskins
Peter Ueberroth, Cub Scout, Former Commissioner of Baseball

29.08.2007. u 18:58 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

William D. Boyce

In 1909, Chicago publisher William D. Boyce lost his way in a dense London fog. A boy came to his aid and, after guiding the man, refused a tip, explaining that as a Scout he would not take a tip for doing a Good Turn. This gesture by an unknown Scout inspired a meeting with Robert Baden-Powell, the British founder of the Boy Scouts. As a result, William Boyce incorporated the Boy Scouts of America on February 8, 1910. He also created the Lone Scouts, which merged with the Boy Scouts of America in 1924.

29.08.2007. u 18:57 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

Sir Robert Baden Powell of Gilwell

As a youth, Robert Baden-Powell greatly enjoyed the outdoors, learning about nature and how to live in the wilderness. After returning as a military hero from service in Africa, Baden-Powell discovered that English boys were reading the manual on stalking and survival in the wilderness he had written for his military regiment. Gathering ideas from Ernest Thompson Seton, Daniel Carter Beard, and others, he rewrote the manual as a nonmilitary nature skill book and called it Scouting for Boys. To test his ideas, Baden-Powell brought together 22 boys to camp at Brownsea Island, off the coast of England. This historic campout was a success and resulted in the advent of Scouting.

Thus, the imagination and inspiration of Baden-Powell, later proclaimed Chief Scout of the World, brought Scouting to youth the world over.

Lord Robert Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Founder of Scouting and World Chief Scout died in Kenya on January 8, 1941 at the age of 83. Soldiers and Scouts, black and white escorted the coffin to a simple grave at Nyeri, within sight of Mount Kenya.

This message to all Scouts was found among his papers after he died.

Dear Scouts,
If you have even seen the play Peter Pan you will remember how the pirate chief was always making his dying speech because he was afraid that possibly when the time came for him to die he might not have time to get it off his chest. It is much the same with me, and so, although I am not at this moment dying, I shall be doing so one of these days and I want to send you a parting word of goodbye.

Remember, it is the last you will ever hear from me, so think it over.

I have had a most happy life and I want each one of you to have as happy a life too.

I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life. Happiness doesn’t come from being rich, nor merely from being successful in your career, nor by self-indulgence. One step towards happiness is to make yourself healthy and strong while you are a boy, so that you can be useful and so can enjoy life when you are a man.

Nature study will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world for you to enjoy. Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Look on the bright side of things instead of the gloomy one.

But the real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. Try and leave this world a little better than you found it and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best. ‘Be Prepared’ in this way, to live happy and to die happy – stick to your Scout promise always – even after you have ceased to be a boy – and God help you to do it.

Your Friend,


29.08.2007. u 18:54 | 0 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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